Glenbrook, Media City

We're delighted to announce that Project Four Safety has been appointed by Glenbrook Media City to provide Principal Designer Support. (edited)

Wirral Waters

Project Four Safety is delighted to have been appointed CDM Advisor by Wirral Waters (Legacy Foundation, Northbank, Tower Road South).

Ashvin Metals

Ashvin Metals has selected Project Four Safety to provide ongoing services on a retained basis. We look forward to a bright future working together!

Inglemere Metals

We're delighted to announce that Project Four Safety has been appointed on a retained basis by Inglemere Metals to provide ongoing advice and support.

Borcan Ltd.

We're delighted to announce that Borcan Ltd has selected Project Four Safety to provide ongoing advice and support on a retained basis.

Have You Had Bad Advice...Is Someone Telling You Porkies...Take Action...Breach of CDM 2015

Are you in BREACH of Construction (Design +Management) Regulations 2015 + being exposed to unnecessary risk by the advisors who are supposed to be watching your back...?

Many former CDM Coordinators (CDM-C) / safety advisors + QS/PM practices panicked when the role of CDM-C was instead of offering the correct advice to clients, they just simply became Principal Designers (PD's), so as to hang onto their turnover! These rogue PD's have failed to acknowledge the significant change in CDM 2015. It's wrong + should be condemned, the regulations are clear.

Take action to avoid HSE Intervention, Improvement/Prohibition Notices, FFI (Fees For Intervention now £154 per hour) best case...worst case Criminal Prosecution (and associated negative press)! We are more than happy to offer advice + guidance if you are employing or working with a 'Blag/Rogue PD'.

Crossfield Retainer

Project Four Safety have been appointed on a retained basis by Crossfield Construction Ltd to provide strategic advice and support across several exciting projects.